<div class="checkbox--dark">
    <div class="checkbox__wrapper">
        <input class="checkbox__input" id="choice" type="checkbox" name="choice" value="1" />
        <label class="checkbox__label" for="choice">I agree with the Shipping and Billing terms and conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions</label>
    <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
    <div class="checkbox__error">Please provide a value for this field</div>
<div class="checkbox--{{splitDashLast _self.name}}">
  <div class="checkbox__wrapper">
    <input class="checkbox__input" id="{{id}}" type="checkbox" name="{{name}}" {{#if value}}value="{{value}}"{{/if}} {{#if disabled}}disabled{{/if}} {{#if required}}required="true"{{/if}} {{#if checked}}checked{{/if}} />
    <label class="checkbox__label" for="{{id}}">{{{label}}}</label>
  <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
  {{#if error}}
    <div class="checkbox__error">{{error}}</div>
    <!--<div class="checkbox__error">Put in the error message here...</div>-->
  "id": "choice",
  "name": "choice",
  "label": "I agree with the Shipping and Billing terms and conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions conditions",
  "value": "1",
  "required": false,
  "disabled": false,
  "checked": false,
  "error": "Please provide a value for this field"
  • Content:
    @import "~shared/base";
     * Contextual classes:
     * - is-disabled: When input is disabled
     * - is-pressed: When the user has the mouse down on the checkbox
     * - is-tabbed: When the input is focused by tabbing (a11y)
     * - is-focused: When the input is focused
     * - is-initialized: When the JS for the component is initialized
     * - has-no-label: If there is no label available
    // font settings
    $checkboxIconFontSize: 1.125rem;
    // Need to use string here due to:
    // https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/issues/487
    $variants: "dark", "light";
    @each $color in $variants {
       * General
      .checkbox {
        $block: &;
        &--#{unquote($color)} {
           * Label
          #{$block}__label {
            $padding: 2px;
            $border: 1px;
            padding-left: calc(#{$checkboxIconFontSize} + #{$padding * 2} + #{$border * 2} + 10px);
            @include form-components-icons-before("checkmark-lite");
  • URL: /components/raw/checkbox-lite-checkmark/checkbox-lite-checkmark.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/checkbox/checkbox-lite-checkmark/checkbox-lite-checkmark.scss
  • Size: 1.4 KB

This component is based on ‘checkbox material like’ and inherits its behavior