<div class="text-field--dark">
    <div class="text-field__wrapper">
        <input class="text-field__input" id="text" type="text" name="text" />
        <label class="text-field__label" for="text">Text</label>
    <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
    <div class="text-field__error">Please provide a value for this field</div>
<div class="text-field--{{splitDashLast _self.name}}">
  <div class="text-field__wrapper">
    <input class="text-field__input" id="{{id}}" type="{{type}}" name="{{name}}" {{#if value}}value="{{value}}"{{/if}} {{#if disabled}}disabled{{/if}} {{#if required }}required="true"{{/if}} {{#if autocomplete}}autocomplete="{{autocomplete}}"{{/if}}/>
    <label class="text-field__label" for="{{id}}">{{label}}</label>
  {{#if helper}}
    <div class="text-field__helper">{{helper}}</div>
  <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
  {{#if error}}
    <div class="text-field__error">{{error}}</div>
    <!--<div class="text-field__error">Put in the error message here...</div>-->
  "id": "text",
  "name": "text",
  "label": "Text",
  "required": false,
  "value": "",
  "disabled": false,
  "type": "text",
  "autocomplete": "",
  "error": "Please provide a value for this field",
  "helper": ""
  • Content:
    import FormComponent from '../../form-component';
    export class TextField extends FormComponent {
      constructor(context, options) {
          'Text Field',
      initEvents() {
        if (this.field.type === 'date' || this.field.type === 'time') {
        } else {
          this.field.addEventListener('focus', () => this.setIsFilledIn(true));
          this.field.addEventListener('blur', () => this.setIsFilledIn());
          this.field.addEventListener('input', () => {
            // Don't just call setIsFilledIn() for the case where you've removed
            // the text field value but are still focusing the text field
              this.field.value || this.field === document.activeElement
    export const selector = '[class^="text-field--"]';
  • URL: /components/raw/text-field-material-like/text-field-material-like.js
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/text-field/text-field-material-like/text-field-material-like.js
  • Size: 1 KB
  • Content:
    @import "~shared/base";
     * Contextual classes:
     * - is-disabled: When input is disabled
     * - is-filled-in: When value is available or the user clicked into the input
     * - is-tabbed: When the input is focused by tabbing (a11y)
     * - is-focused: When the input is focused
     * - is-initialized: When the JS for the component is initialized
     * - has-no-label: If there is no label available
    // size settings
    $textFieldHeight: 2.375rem; // 38px + 12px == 50px height
    $textFieldPaddingX: 0;
    // font settings
    $textFieldLabelFontSize: 1.125rem;
    $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize: 0.75rem;
    $textFieldLabelFontFamily: inherit;
    $textFieldFontSize: 1.125rem;
    $textFieldFontFamily: inherit;
    $textFieldErrorFontSize: 1rem;
    $textFieldHelperFontSize: 1rem;
    // Don't use the same line height as "height" to avoid a large cursor
    // in Safari on macOS. Also multiply the font size with 1.35 and use it
    // as line height to avoid text jump in FF when you mark the text
    $textFieldLineHeight: $textFieldFontSize * 1.35;
    $textFieldPadding: ($textFieldHeight - $textFieldLineHeight) / 2;
    // need to use string here due to:
    // https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/issues/487
    $variants: "dark", "light";
    @each $color in $variants {
      @if $color == "light" {
        // color settings
        $textFieldBorderColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldBorderActiveColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldBorderInvalidColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldBorderInvalidActiveColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundActiveColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundInvalidColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundInvalidActiveColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldActiveColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldInvalidColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldInvalidActiveColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldLabelColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldLabelFilledInColor: $textFieldLabelColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelFilledInActiveColor: $textFieldLabelColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInColor: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInActiveColor: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor !global;
        $textFieldErrorColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldHelperColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldHelperInvalidColor: $black !global;
        $textFieldBorderTabbedColor: #95a5a6 !global;
      } @else {
        // color settings
        $textFieldBorderColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldBorderActiveColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldBorderInvalidColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldBorderInvalidActiveColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundActiveColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundInvalidColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldBackgroundInvalidActiveColor: transparent !global;
        $textFieldColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldActiveColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldInvalidColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldInvalidActiveColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldLabelColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldLabelFilledInColor: $textFieldLabelColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelFilledInActiveColor: $textFieldLabelColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInColor: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor !global;
        $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInActiveColor: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor !global;
        $textFieldErrorColor: $red !global;
        $textFieldHelperColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldHelperInvalidColor: $white !global;
        $textFieldBorderTabbedColor: #95a5a6 !global;
       * General
      .text-field {
        $block: &;
        height: $textFieldHeight;
        &--#{unquote($color)} {
          &.is-tabbed {
            outline: 1px solid $textFieldBorderTabbedColor;
            outline-offset: 3px;
          #{$block}__wrapper {
            position: relative;
            padding-top: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            width: 100%;
           * Input
          #{$block}__input {
            &:required {
              border-width: 0 0 1px 0;
              border-style: solid;
              border-color: transparent transparent $textFieldBorderColor transparent;
              cursor: text;
              display: block;
              height: $textFieldHeight;
              line-height: $textFieldLineHeight;
              // add 1 px additional padding to avoid text jumping when
              // border-bottom-width is set to 2px when focused
              padding: $textFieldPadding $textFieldPaddingX calc(#{$textFieldPadding} + 1px) $textFieldPaddingX;
              background: $textFieldBackgroundColor;
              color: $textFieldColor;
              box-sizing: border-box;
              width: 100%;
              font-size: $textFieldFontSize;
              font-family: $textFieldFontFamily;
              border-radius: 0; // iOS default removal
              box-shadow: none; // red border removal in case it's invalid/required
            // use a "bug" of Chrome to overwrite autofill styling
            // https://stackoverflow.com/a/37432260/3894981
            // !important is necessary as it won't work otherwise
            @-webkit-keyframes autofill {
              to {
                color: $textFieldColor !important;
                background-color: $textFieldBackgroundColor;
            &:-webkit-autofill {
              -webkit-animation-name: autofill;
              -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both;
            // Active
            &:required:focus {
              border-bottom-width: 2px;
              border-color: transparent transparent $textFieldBorderActiveColor transparent;
              padding: $textFieldPadding $textFieldPaddingX;
              color: $textFieldActiveColor;
              background: $textFieldBackgroundActiveColor;
              outline: none;
          // Disabled
          &.is-disabled #{$block}__input {
            cursor: not-allowed;
          // Invalid
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__input {
            border-color: transparent transparent $textFieldBorderInvalidColor transparent;
            color: $textFieldInvalidColor;
            background: $textFieldBackgroundInvalidColor;
            // Invalid & Active
            &:required:focus {
              border-color: transparent transparent $textFieldBorderInvalidActiveColor transparent;
              color: $textFieldInvalidActiveColor;
              background: $textFieldBackgroundInvalidActiveColor;
           * Label (will be moved to top when value available)
          #{$block}__label {
            position: absolute;
            top: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            left: 0;
            height: $textFieldHeight;
            line-height: $textFieldHeight;
            width: 100%;
            box-sizing: border-box;
            cursor: text;
            // a border and padding is necessary to have the same line height like
            // input
            border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
            padding: 0 $textFieldPaddingX 1px $textFieldPaddingX;
            font-size: $textFieldLabelFontSize;
            font-family: $textFieldLabelFontFamily;
            color: $textFieldLabelColor;
            user-select: none;
            background-color: transparent;
            transform: translateY(0);
            @include transition("all .275s");
            @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
              border: none;
          // Disabled
          &.is-disabled #{$block}__label {
            cursor: not-allowed;
            user-select: none;
          // Filled in
          // NOTE: We need to use two selectors here, as otherwise it won't work in
          // Firefox. Mixins aren't allowed inside @each directives, so we can only
          // use redundant code in these two selectors
          // NOTE: Also trigger this style when the text field isn't initialized yet
          // to avoid label jumping when forms with filled-in values are loaded
          // via AJAX
          &.is-filled-in #{$block}__label,
          &:not(.is-initialized) #{$block}__label {
            transform: translateY(-#{$textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize});
            height: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            font-size: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            color: $textFieldLabelFilledInColor;
            line-height: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
          #{$block}__input:-webkit-autofill + #{$block}__label {
            // webkit autofill is used to remove the delay between Chrome, which
            // fills in predefined data, and JS that's being loaded
            transform: translateY(-#{$textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize});
            height: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            font-size: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
            color: $textFieldLabelFilledInColor;
            line-height: $textFieldLabelFilledInFontSize;
          // Filled in & Active
          &.is-filled-in.is-focused #{$block}__label,
          &.is-filled-in.is-focused:not(.is-initialized) #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelFilledInActiveColor;
          &.is-filled-in.is-focused #{$block}__input:-webkit-autofill + #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelFilledInActiveColor;
          // Invalid
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__label,
          &.is-invalid:not(.is-initialized) #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor;
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__input:-webkit-autofill + #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidColor;
          // Invalid & Filled In
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in #{$block}__label,
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in:not(.is-initialized) #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInColor;
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in #{$block}__input:-webkit-autofill + #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInColor;
          // Invalid & Filled in & Active
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in.is-focused #{$block}__label,
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in.is-focused:not(.is-initialized) #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInActiveColor;
          &.is-invalid.is-filled-in.is-focused #{$block}__input:-webkit-autofill + #{$block}__label {
            color: $textFieldLabelInvalidFilledInActiveColor;
           * Error
          #{$block}__error {
            font-size: $textFieldErrorFontSize;
            color: $textFieldErrorColor;
            margin: 5px $textFieldPaddingX;
            a {
              color: $textFieldErrorColor;
           * Helper
          #{$block}__helper {
            font-size: $textFieldHelperFontSize;
            color: $textFieldHelperColor;
            margin: 5px $textFieldPaddingX;
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__helper {
            color: $textFieldHelperInvalidColor;
  • URL: /components/raw/text-field-material-like/text-field-material-like.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/text-field/text-field-material-like/text-field-material-like.scss
  • Size: 11.7 KB

No notes defined.