<div class="radio--light">
    <div class="radio__wrapper">
        <input class="radio__input" id="choice" type="radio" name="choice" value="1" />
        <label class="radio__label" for="choice">Some long long condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition</label>
    <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
    <div class="radio__error">Please provide a value for this field</div>
<div class="radio--{{splitDashLast _self.name}}">
  <div class="radio__wrapper">
    <input class="radio__input" id="{{id}}" type="radio" name="{{name}}" {{#if value}}value="{{value}}"{{/if}} {{#if disabled}}disabled{{/if}} {{#if required}}required="true"{{/if}} {{#if checked}}checked{{/if}} />
    <label class="radio__label" for="{{id}}">{{{label}}}</label>
  {{#if helper}}
    <div class="radio__helper">{{helper}}</div>
  <!-- NOTE: This div is reserved for field-specific error messages by a backend -->
  {{#if error}}
    <div class="radio__error">{{error}}</div>
    <!--<div class="radio__error">Put in the error message here...</div>-->
  "id": "choice",
  "name": "choice",
  "label": "Some long long condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition condition",
  "value": "1",
  "required": false,
  "disabled": false,
  "checked": false,
  "error": "Please provide a value for this field",
  "helper": ""
  • Content:
    import FormComponent from '../../form-component';
    export class Radio extends FormComponent {
      constructor(context, options) {
      relocateOuterError() {
        // Some CMS (D8) are handling multiple radios as one element, as you can
        // only choose one option. In this case the error message is generated
        // after the radios (not inside a radio div). Make sure to relocate such
        // error elements into the actual radio.
        const error = this.context.nextElementSibling;
        if (error && error.classList.contains('radio__error')) {
          // move the outside generated error message into the component
          this.errorField = error;
    export const selector = '[class^="radio--"]';
  • URL: /components/raw/radio-material-like/radio-material-like.js
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/radio/radio-material-like/radio-material-like.js
  • Size: 945 Bytes
  • Content:
    @import "~shared/base";
     * Contextual classes:
     * - is-disabled: When input is disabled
     * - is-tabbed: When the input is focused by tabbing (a11y)
     * - is-focused: When the input is focused
     * - is-initialized: When the JS for the component is initialized
     * - has-no-label: If there is no label available
    // font settings
    $radioFontSize: 1.125rem;
    $radioLineHeight: 1.35rem;
    $radioIconFontSize: 1.25rem;
    $radioFontFamily: inherit;
    $radioErrorFontSize: 1rem;
    $radioHelperFontSize: 1rem;
    // Need to use string here due to:
    // https://github.com/webpack-contrib/sass-loader/issues/487
    $variants: "dark", "light";
    @each $color in $variants {
      @if $color == "light" {
        // color settings
        $radioBackgroundColor: transparent !global;
        $radioErrorBackgroundColor: $red-light !global;
        $radioColor: $black !global;
        $radioInnerColor: $black !global;
        $radioBorderColor: $radioInnerColor !global;
        $radioBorderErrorColor: $red !global;
        $radioLinkColor: $radioColor !global;
        $radioLinkColorHover: $clouds !global;
        $radioErrorColor: $red !global;
        $radioHelperColor: $black !global;
        $radioHelperInvalidColor: $black !global;
        $radioFocusBorderColor: #95a5a6 !global;
      } @else {
        // color settings
        $radioBackgroundColor: transparent !global;
        $radioErrorBackgroundColor: $red-light !global;
        $radioColor: $white !global;
        $radioInnerColor: $white !global;
        $radioBorderColor: $radioInnerColor !global;
        $radioBorderErrorColor: $red !global;
        $radioLinkColor: $radioColor !global;
        $radioLinkColorHover: $clouds !global;
        $radioErrorColor: $red !global;
        $radioHelperColor: $white !global;
        $radioHelperInvalidColor: $white !global;
        $radioFocusBorderColor: #95a5a6 !global;
       * General
      .radio {
        $block: &;
        &--#{unquote($color)} {
          &, * {
            user-select: none;
          &.is-disabled {
            &, * {
              cursor: not-allowed !important;
          &.is-tabbed {
            outline: 1px solid $radioFocusBorderColor;
            outline-offset: 3px;
          #{$block}__wrapper {
            position: relative;
            width: 100%;
            overflow: hidden; // necessary for outline
           * Hide native radio
          #{$block}__input {
            @include visually-hidden;
           * Label
          #{$block}__label {
            $border: 1px;
            position: relative;
            color: $radioColor;
            font-size: $radioFontSize;
            line-height: $radioLineHeight;
            font-family: $radioFontFamily;
            // subtract -2px as checkbox is 2px smaller (Material Design sizes)
            padding: 0 0 0 calc(#{$radioIconFontSize} + #{$border * 2} + 10px + 2px);
            box-sizing: border-box;
            cursor: pointer;
            width: 100%;
            display: block; // use padding for a second line too
            // after contains the rounded border, before the inner color.
            // this is necessary due to animation purposes
            &:before {
              position: absolute;
              top: ($radioLineHeight - $radioIconFontSize) / 2;
              left: 0;
              content: "";
              display: inline-block;
              border-radius: 50%;
              box-sizing: border-box;
              width: #{$radioIconFontSize};
              height: #{$radioIconFontSize};
            &:after {
              border: $border solid $radioBorderColor;
              z-index: 2;
              background: $radioBackgroundColor;
              @include transition("background .3s");
            &:before {
              font-size: $radioIconFontSize;
              line-height: $radioIconFontSize;
              color: $radioInnerColor;
              width: calc(#{$radioIconFontSize} - #{$border * 10});
              height: calc(#{$radioIconFontSize} - #{$border * 10});
              border: #{$border} solid transparent;
              left: #{$border * 5};
              top: calc(#{($radioLineHeight - $radioIconFontSize) / 2} + #{$border * 5});
              z-index: 1;
              transform-origin: center center;
              transform: scale(0);
              transition: transform 0.1s ease-in-out;
              background: $radioInnerColor;
              @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: white-on-black) {
                border-color: transparent;
                background: $a11yNonTextColorWhiteOnBlack;
              @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: black-on-white) {
                border-color: transparent;
                background: $a11yNonTextColorBlackOnWhite;
            a {
              @include link-underline-medium($radioLinkColor, $radioLinkColorHover);
          #{$block}__input:checked + #{$block}__label:before {
            transform: scale(1);
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__input:not(:checked) + #{$block}__label {
            &:after {
              background: $radioErrorBackgroundColor;
              border-color: $radioBorderErrorColor;
           * Error message
          #{$block}__error {
            font-size: $radioErrorFontSize;
            color: $radioErrorColor;
            margin: 5px 0;
            a {
              color: $radioErrorColor;
           * Helper
          #{$block}__helper {
            font-size: $radioHelperFontSize;
            color: $radioHelperColor;
            margin: 5px 0;
          &.is-invalid #{$block}__helper {
            color: $radioHelperInvalidColor;
  • URL: /components/raw/radio-material-like/radio-material-like.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/radio/radio-material-like/radio-material-like.scss
  • Size: 6.3 KB

No notes defined.